Monday, March 18, 2013

Last but not least...: Stone Vertical Epic 12/12/12

Sad truth is I had this beer months later after all the hype (if there was any in the Bay Area). Definitely a very unique beer whose story came to end with this particular brew (if you buy the bottle read it and you will understand). Anyways this beer is limited so get it while you still can. If you are the Bay Area check out your local BevMo's. Best enjoyed by a fire on a cold night, but you can do what I did, and just watch season one of Community that works too.

Appearance: Well you wouldn't expect a dark black ale pouring, but that is exactly what poured. After the pour a weak, but delicious mocha colored head was produced. 
Aroma: When this bottle says it was produced with spices it was not lying. I got all sorts of cinnamon, vanilla spice, and layers chai beneath it all. There were probably other aromas present that I cannot label personally at the moment. Great smell, and probably one of the best smelling beers I have had in a lifetime. 
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, not to overwhelming an thick on the pallet. Some light froth as well. Very balanced.
Taste: This is a dark ale, not a stout or porter or an IPA. In all honesty I feel this is in a class of its own. The closest beers that resemble this brew are those disgusting pumpkin beers that come out during fall, but this is so much better. Like the smell the taste produces various spices, with slight malty undertones. I felt this was a dry beer. All the spices had a strong presence, so I didn't really sense hops or malts. Like I said I felt this beer was in a class of its own. The taste should definitely be enjoyed next to a fire on a cold night. 
Overall: Very unique beer IMO. This beer has spice on spice on spice. Not a pairing expert, but I would love to have this beer with a nice dessert (as in almost anything except cake an ice cream). Stop reading, and go find this beer while you can. You may not like it, but it is an experience.