Sunday, January 20, 2013

Review: Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron

Appearance: I would say black almost, and it came with this nice mocha brown lacing. Forgot to pay attention to head of the beer, but I can tell you the lacing wasn't all to sticky against the glass.
Aroma: No intense smells worth pointing out. I'll leave it at had very malty smells.
Taste: The beginning is not so carbonated as the end. Like the label says this is a malt beverage, don't expect hops. You are going to get that sweet, and sugar feel with this beer. Since I am rewriting this, I'll tell you the flavors of dry figs popped up in this. It wasn't till recently I had a few dry figs, and I was reminded of beer. I always knew people used dry figs as a flavor profile phrase, but since I didn't know how dry figs tasted like I never used it until now. Enough rambling. So anyways you will also pick up wood and vanilla notes.
Mouthfeel: Very ale like, I was expecting something slightly slightly thicker. This is a little denser than water. Towards the end I felt the carbonation kick in.
Overall: Dogfish Head is a pretty big name nowadays, and they come correct every time even with their odd flavors (Sah Tea?). The structure from beginning to the end was flawless, because the 10% abv didn't show itself. Definitely recommended, but don't limit yourself.

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