Saturday, January 19, 2013

Review: Stone Cali- Belgique IPA

Haven't had IPA's in a bit, because I feel that they are overrated, but nonetheless I'll have one every now an then.

ABV: 6.9%

Appearance: I'm a sucker for lacing, and this brew left a sloppy white wall of this white (not really dense, and thick) foam over the glass, which dispersed into somewhat round specs. The overall color resembled a foggy apple juice.

Aroma: As far as smells you would get this grassy (some would like to use the word "floral") type smell right away. Sometimes I can give you a specific fruit, etc. but all I can really say is that some citrus notes pop up. I guess I should be eating more fruits, and be drinking less beer in order to be more specific more often. I was reminded off apples as well after digging around. 

Mouthfeel: Mouthfeel was perfect. I don't like to associate an IPA with thickness like stouts or porters. Having plenty of plain ole Sierra Nevadas the density was a bit lower than a Sierra Nevada.

Taste: I smelled apples somewhere in the aroma, but that aroma isn't picked up in the taste IMO. First sip I got a bitter orange zest, and later this sweet, grassy/floral flavor blended right it in. In the beginning you will experience the hops, which later collides with the  sugary sweetness of the malts. This beer got a very good rating, but I felt like the maltiness slightly overpowered the hops, but that could be just a bias from my own pallet. I really wanted to feel the hops bitterness a little more, but not to the point where it would be considered a double IPA. A lot of other reviews felt like this had a dominant floral taste to it. IMO I feel like the Green Flash West Coast IPA had that quality a lot more.

Overall: As usual Stone puts out solid brews. I will say this didn't stand out to me as well as a I thought, but that is a bias opinion of course. Everything from the balance of the hops, and malts was executed pretty good. The hops produced a good head, and left a very nice lacing throughout the drinking. The beer had a 6.9% ABV so the alcohol won't show up in the beginning, middle, or end. This beer is definitely more interesting than a Sierra Nevada. There are plenty of good beers out there, and this one of them

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